CHH and a Brief History

Hey everyone. :) Been awhile. First joined CHH back in 2001. Was recruited by Dark, with a bunch of other recruits at that time. Dark was my trainer when I first joined. I had started in MW2, but never really gotten into the team aspect. Had a crappy PC, and just joined in public matches. A month or so after joining we had a grand Toe Melee. There was 8 per Toe, and I took out three only to lose to the last remaining Cannon. From my memory, it was the last 4 surviving, got blooded that day. 4 others went on to be blooded in the next grand TOE melee. After the to winners of each melee went on to fight for Star Captain. Eventually we all practiced and waited for the start of NBT-4, representing CHH, while also waiting for a mixed league.

This mixed league held a tournament before it started, 4 on 4 big city, 30 minutes respwan. We all entered this tournament looking to show our skill. Dark had me lead this, and we went into our first match against a team, that eventually won this. But I can attest, as the three others, Canon, Gladius, NoKrunchies, and I, if we had 2 more seconds, we would have beat those guys. Came down to the wire, score going back and forth through out. Them leading, then us... 2 minutes left in the match, they had a slight lead. We went 2 and 2, each with their wing man, looking for the other team. Finally with 25 seconds left, I hear the two grouped had found the other team, shut down avoiding detection. Me and my wing man rushed over, firing ensued, had just fired my last shot, then time... We went on and did well in that tourney. Word had gotten around with the other teams to not take us lightly. Why I mentioned this? Was a great experience and wonderful memories looking back at this. What keeps me in MW. :)

Later became saKhan as Dark stepped down. Eventually, I stepped down to RL. Anyway, just happy to be back, and figure out how to play MWO without a joystick. lol


Cheers to get Badkarma to sit on your varmit self so you don't go off chasing shiny things...unless that shiny thing is Dark...and you're chasing him with a gauss rifle...


oh wow, look who finally decided to show up haha. Good to have ya back! Now if you will excuse me I must follow Mr H's orders ( Stands off to the side holding a man portable gauss rifle and watches you like a hawk)