Information If you like to play with your mates and have stupid fun....


Seriously, if you guys like to have a great time with friends, you have to check out Battlefield 1. This game IMO is probably on my top 3 all time favorite PvP games to play. I've never been a huge fan of FPS's but this is good.

I suck, I die, I do stupid stuff....however, a lot of times I DIE GLORIOUS DEATHS!!! MWAHAHAHA!!! But I respawn and try again. When you pull something off really cool, or spectacular, its an awesome feeling. I have never had so much fun with Humble winning or losing ever before, this even tops our Rainbow Six Siege shenanigans IMO.

Aethon, I know your such a good shot in most games, you would just mop up the floor as a sniper. :cool:
Commissar, I know you like PvP FPS and your a team player, this is your kind of game. ;)
Dark, I know you like to goof off, you'll fit right in with Humbles antics. :D
Glam, I know you like the French, now you can defend their honor! And there are pinnace boats in the game too! *At least my definition of them :p
Jon, I know you like to go off and attempt crazy shit, I'm right with you brother! :eek:
Rizura, I know your like Dark, goofing off and having a good time with the guys. :)


Yeah H, I just roll my eyes went you have a medic run right past you, I'm like "WWWWHHHAAAAAAATTTTT?!?!?!!?"